
宝樹院の阿弥陀堂の右の石段を登ったところに1994(平成6)年に建立された太平洋戦争の戦没者の慰霊碑があります。鈴木さんの文章を読み直してお参りをしてきました。(総務部 廣瀬)

The tomb magazine was engraved with the names and names of the war dead. Looking at the ages written under the name, most of them were in their twenties, and 24 young people died on the road, which had less than 30 houses in the early Showa period. The regrets of the young people who died in the middle of their ambitions and the sadness of their parents make my heart hurt.

Now the war has begun in Ukraine. Many children and civilians are killed every day, and many young soldiers die. A war in which a person kills a person is an absolute evil that leaves only sadness. No armed force is allowed for any reason. I hope the stupid war will end as soon as possible.


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